6'th Meeting in Slovenia on the la FOIA website - link
5º Meeting transnacional del proyecto europeo Drone Team - link
Special section with Drone Team on the website of IES la FOIA Spain - link
Drone Team event with students at IES La Foia. First steps to fly drones - link
News about the evolution of the project and training for teachers and students of IES la Foia. Newsletter aiju nº 104, page 6, January / February 2016 - file pdf
Course about 3D printers held in IES la Foia for teachers. Teacher Mr. Ruperto Martinez (AIJU). February-March 2016. IES la Foia's teachers used the 3D printer buyed for the DroneTeam project. Publish in IES La Foia La Revista Nº 2. page 7 - file pdf
AIJU and IES La Foia present the DroneTeam project in The Primavera Educativa congress. 14-May-2016. Publish in IES La Foia La Revista Nº 2. page 19 - file pdf
4'rd meeting in Krško-Sevnica:
- News published on the IES Foia website about the 4th Transnational Meeting of Droneteam project held in Slovenia on 29t and 30t September 2016 - file pdf
- The website of IES la FOIA
3'rd meeting in Zabrze Poland:
- Publish in IES La Foia La Revista Nº 2. pages 10-11 - 1. file pdf, 2. file pdf
- News published on the IES Foia website about the 3rd Transnational Meeting of Droneteam project in Zabrze (Poland). 27th-28th June of 2016 - file pdf
- The website of IES la FOIA
1st meeting in Ibi:
First articles about Drone Team at IES la FOIA: